Media & Misinformation

Since the last thread on this topic was once again hijacked, I’ve created another to actually address this topic. The previous thread turned into another sprawling mess that I hope to condense and clean up – eventually.

While the media is now warning us to only get the news from THEM (and to NOT do your own research), others are trumpeting to DO your own research, but only from valid, accredited and vetted sources. The problem with this argument is you’re only getting HALF of the story, and that “vetting” has repeatedly failed them as they consistently end up on the wrong side of the story when the facts eventually emerge.

My take has always been to REMEMBER what the source has stated before to determine if they are credible going forward. However, when you see/hear nearly ALL the established media repeating the exact same script (word-for-word), you really wonder what their motives are and who is distributing the scripts that they all follow. When you hear them all echoing the exact same thing, you can be sure there is no longer any independent investigation happening and they are all simply reinforcing the narrative (aka propaganda).

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It certainly reinforces the news we see lately where legacy media is crashing with failing revenues and viewership, while independent sources are rocketing to the top and thriving.

Because for an industry that owes its existence to the trust of its readers and viewers, most of news media decided instead to play the arrogance card and take advantage of that trust.

Rather than being merely the observer and then objective reporter of what’s happening on the field, today’s journalists got the bizarre idea (from who knows where) that they are as good or even better than the actual players and thus inserted themselves in the game. This despite the fact that no one actually wanted to see them on the field”.

I will admit that this can be extremely dangerous to our democracy as many independent sources lack the standards to research and verify their sources and only exist to reinforce their views. However, as we learned from the Hunter laptop story, the alternative is those striving to control every aspect of our lives taking over to decide what is truth and those with memories can easily recall how well that worked out.

Biden’s AI plan to censor you revealed: Researchers say Americans can’t ‘tell fact from fiction’

one researcher told NSF officials “broad swaths of the public cannot effectively sort truth from fiction online.” The researcher specifically called out “military veterans, older adults, military families” and those in “rural and indigenous communities” as particularly vulnerable to believing misinformation.”

Hmmm. They left out those put on watch lists for the unforgivable action of purchasing a bible.

Once again, I emphasize having some recall:

  • What was reported and by whom?
  • What happened to opposing views?
  • After the facts eventually emerged, which position was correct?

The cabal behind the new measures above already tried the “Disinformation Governance Board” which was soundly rejected so have now relabeled it as the “Trust & Authenticity in Communication Systems”.

As always, such efforts show contempt for the American people. They claim Americans could not tell fact from fiction online and that conservatives were even more susceptible than the public at large.

Americans are too stupid to distinguish truth from lies on their own, so they need benevolent leftists to handle everything so that we poor unwashed need not trouble our empty heads over matters that are too hard for us to understand. 

Not surprising. These are much the same arguments I’ve had from visitors to this site. They all share the trait of waking up to a new history every day with no acknowledgement of what has gone down in the past.

And here is the latest example. Remember all of the hoopla last week about the amazing “jobs created”? No one mentions the numbers are always inflated upon release but then are ALWAYS quietly downgraded in the following weeks. The rosy January report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics is already crashing.

However, once again, a truth emerges that you won’t see reported in the MSM.

“Birth/Death assumptions” means just that. The BLS assumes that so many jobs were created or destroyed and (kind of) fixes the imaginary numbers when the real data come in. Now you know why jobs always seem to get revised downward. Seeking Alpha adds that “many believe the Household survey is a more accurate measure of employment when compared to the headline number.”

What is becoming painfully obvious to these bad actors is they have lost their grip on shaping public opinion. Of course there are still some who will blindly ignore the blatant transgressions of the past several years, but the vast majority of their support has simply fallen silent and melted away.

So instead, they are forced to play the only card they have remaining by once again censoring any opinion that contradicts the approved narrative.

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With so many now getting their news from independent sources, I don’t understand how they think this is going to work.


  1. MB Mohn

    Since we haven’t been able to find any common ground as it relates to credible news sources, I’d like to propose a different topic. This is one that will rely on your own critical thinking skills and not whatever news sources you follow.

    You make many ominous references about dark dealings that cut across a large percentage of the population (note, I’m capping certain words to make a point), examples:

    “As I deduced back then, thousands of Trump backers played right into THEIR HANDS.”

    “Then, WE HEAR THAT THE FBI was likely involved. Estimates range from 100-400 were undercover. The pipe bombs mysteriously appearing in the most surveilled place on earth? Also, now being suspected as being placed by the FBI.”

    “…the alternative is THOSE STRIVING TO CONTROL every aspect of our lives taking over to decide what is truth and those with memories can easily recall how well that worked out.”


    “THE CABAL BEHIND THE NEW MEASURES above already tried the “Disinformation Governance Board” which was soundly rejected so have now relabeled it as the “Trust & Authenticity in Communication Systems”.”

    “They left out those PUT ON WATCH LISTS for the unforgivable action of purchasing a bible.”

    I can’t help but view the parts in bold as conspiracy-theory speak. Together, your posts paint a picture of a secret organized network comprised of the mainstream media, large corporations, Canada, the FBI, the DOJ, Democrats as a whole, “woke” liberals, educated historians and scientists, etc., etc.. If so, this would be a staggering number of people who are apparently working together to suppress the truth. My question to you today is WHY? What is the end game? What is the ultimate goal?

    From my perspective, and I think I can say this on behalf of every anti-GOP person I know (notice I didn’t say Democrat because there are among them many other Independents and former Republicans), this is their predominant sentiment in fighting Trumpism:

    • Everyone should have a voice in their government. Democracy matters, the Constitution matters. That is the ultimate reason for making sure Trump doesn’t get a chance to be a dictator.

    • Human rights matter, and that’s why many are actively fighting against racism, sexism/misogyny, and LGBTQ discrimination and it’s also why they supporting sensible gun control, humane immigration policies, universal health care and other programs to help lift people out of poverty.

    Your characterization of a secret cabal (of which I seem to be an unwitting advocate) is diametrically opposed to those two points I’ve stated above. Which is why I would love you to please clue me in as to what our ultimate goal REALLY is, if it’s not what I’ve stated above?

    And to be fair, I will state for the record what I believe is driving the disinformation related to the same topics. It’s simply to put Trump back in power, for a handful of reasons:

    • Trump is the worst caricature of a trust-fund baby. His whole life has been a series of shady business dealings, bankruptcies, affairs, grifting, and selfish, pompous, vulgar behavior. His current motive is to get elected to avoid prison and stay in power until he dies.

    • A good segment of the current Republican party is supporting his bid because some GOP members are accessories to his crimes also hoping to avoid prison time, and others are looking to gain support from his base and keep their positions. They are afraid of exposure and/or retribution and driven primarily by greed.

    • Other supporters are willing to vote for him because they don’t care if he wants to be a dictator so long as he supports whatever fill-in the blank cause applies. (For example: He’ll let them keep their arsenal of high-powered weapons.)

    • Foreign governments (e.g., Russia) are contributing to the disinformation, because it would be advantageous to their own objectives (conquering Ukraine, for example) and know that it would cause massive upheaval in the US that would severely limit our global influence.

    Each of these are simple, obvious answers to a dangerous mindset that is infecting a small portion of the population (Occam’s Razor)… However, what you’re hinting at is something much more widespread and sinister. Yet, without providing any motive or reason for so many people, government agencies, foreign governments, corporations, colleges, etc., to be working together to advance this unstated, yet evil, agenda.

    Please (in your own words) shed some light on WHAT this evil agenda is and the REASON behind it?

  2. WJG

    Rather than have you ruin a third thread with your endless inquisitions (that started this whole mess), I’ll boil everything down to your initial inquiry and summarize (in my opinion) WHO, WHAT and WHY this is happening.

    WHO is those in power now. On an overly generalized scale, these are the elites that currently rule pretty much everything. Government, Business, Tech, Education, Media etc. And yet, your extensive rant mentions nothing about why the media are all echoing the exact same message word for word.

    WHAT – Their goal is to implement the 2030 Agenda ( Yes, much like “The Great Reset” during COVID, yet another conspiracy theory that is quite true.

    “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future”.

    All lofty goals that we’d all benefit from but is not what we are seeing. Instead, under the guise of the plan, they exert more control and take away freedoms. Every action seems to result in a never ending income redistribution scheme that violates Judeo/Christian values, the Constitution and our Bill of Rights but magically always enriches themselves.

    It is best summarized by Klaus Schwab at the WEF as “you will own nothing and be happy”.

    As an example, goal #5 states: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
    but instead, the gains of the feminist movement of the past decades are now negated by dudes who weren’t man enough to compete in their own lane, so decided to beat up, deny opportunity and abuse women instead.

    WHY is easy – to remain in power. However, they are rapidly seeing their dream fade away with recent electoral results in Italy, Argentina, El Salvador, New Zealand, Greece and elsewhere. Combine those with the many admonitions from speakers at the recent WEF forum, the farmers uprising in Europe and overall rejection of their message by way of polling, they are now panicking.

    Much of that panic (here in the US) is the result of IF their reign ends, their many illegal schemes to get in power and stay in power will be exposed. What will be especially fascinating is the return of EQUAL justice after experiencing how wildly politicized the DOJ became under Biden, (Trump indictments, Hunter Biden favoritism, targeting of parents and pro-lifers, the Mar-a-Lago raid, and looking the other way as their agitators violated U.S. Code while “protesting”).

    By returning the DOJ to equal justice for all, many that you now look up to will likely be prosecuted and hopefully imprisoned.

    You of course insist that Trump will impose a dictatorship if he pursues such prosecutions but remain mute when Biden has been doing the exact same for years. All of your wails about what Trump will do are baseless projections of what Biden is doing now and a growing populace is now recognizing that. They also realize much of the same was projected before he originally took office yet none of it materialized and things were MUCH better than we see today.

    I could continue on answering your inquisition but based on your history, I will not. Your comments clearly illustrate you choose to remain in your alternate reality. Have fun there.

    I won’t be allowing you to hijack any more topics here so don’t bother trying. If you choose to address a particular topic with your thoughts ON THAT TOPIC, give it a go but anything resembling this sprawling continuation of your years long inquisition will be deleted going forward.

    Better to just go back to FB so your 4 or 5 admirers can clap along approvingly to affirm your thoughts shared by “75%” of the country. I see things differently than you (and can back it up). You’re just going to have to accept it or leave.

  3. MB Mohn

    Well, I was asking you to explain why the majority of the world’s population would all be willing to participate in this evil master plan… If the goal is to take away our rights and our money and give it to “the elites,” that wouldn’t be very sensible, now would it? It also doesn’t explain why Biden was trying to increase the corporate tax rate that Trump slashed while in office…but logic seems to have left the building (or farm, as it may be).

    Actually, I was just hoping that if you had to type it all out in your own words, you’d begin to see how batsh*t crazy it all sounds and hopefully be embarrassed enough to delete these posts, but instead you pointed to yet another conspiracy theory.

    I won’t try to engage with your one-sided discussions any longer, as it’s clear you don’t actually want a debate, but instead are just looking for additional “echoes.”

    More feral pig stories, please…

  4. WJG

    Again, not on topic (rule #3) but…
    the majority of the world’s population is NOT willing to participate, as we are finding out. Voters, farmers, truckers, union workers, tradesmen and many others are realizing that taking away our rights, taking away our dollars in the name of reparations, carbon taxes or whatever coded statement they put out do absolutely nothing to achieve the goals they claim to be addressing. They only reinforce the perception of “rules for thee but not for me”. The 2030 UN plan has merit and should be everyone’s goal. But many of us recognize what they are doing does NOT address those goals, but always manages to line their own pockets.

    The corporate tax hinders growth and is why cutting it spurred growth creating a thriving economy for all sectors prior to COVID. It’s also why so many businesses are now shutting down or fleeing blue states where their rates and regulations are making it difficult to survive.

    What new conspiracy theory are you referring to? I’ve simply connected the dots to what I see happening. I am not claiming there is an evil Simon Bar Sinister mastermind in the wings, controlling millions of mindless drones to do his bidding. But, I DO think a number of you TDS damaged lunatics have been gaslighted for so long, the long term exposure to the fumes has made you unable to see or think clearly.

    I’ll allow you to have your opinion. Why is it so impossible for (only) you to do the same?

  5. MB Mohn

    Because I love you, and it pains me to see how detached from you’ve become as a result of your bitter, cynical worldview.

    I won’t try to argue with you anymore, but I’ll never stop praying and hoping that you abandon your doomsday “news sources” and re-embrace reality.

  6. WJG

    Not to worry. I am quite confident in everything I stated and can back up each one if you’d care to pick one, (ONE – on topic). Can you make the same claim? All I’ve seen so far is completely ignoring what was posted – like no mention of why the media are all echoing the exact same scripts word-for-word in the same time frame. I’ve noticed certain buzzwords or phrases being repeated across all platforms but never realized how widespread it has become but yet, no comment or explanation?

    Instead we get more conspiracy theory accusations, which all seem to result from information you are simply unaware of – as your sources have faithfully kept from view through government manipulation and censorship. The truth eventually emerges and main street media reluctantly reports it, but you miss those updates or refuse to acknowledge them.

    Besides the theory accusations, we get “worries” about what will happen, without any sort of similar factual information to back it up or reasons why those alarming events didn’t happen when “45” was in office. Usually, these always illustrate projection of what is already happening under the current administration but that too doesn’t penetrate the blast dome of your echo chamber.

    Looking back at receipts of your previous statements, I’ve found several that completely contradict your recent claims but will spare YOU the embarrassment of exposing them here. I’ll just summarize that we have differing realities. I’m OK with that and glad to see you finally figured out that not everyone agrees (or HAS to) agree with how you see the world.

    But thank you for contributing. If nothing else it was insightful.

  7. MB Mohn

    Okay, I’ll address the one specific question you asked about why “media are all echoing the exact same scripts word-for-word in the same time frame.”

    My answer: The video you provided is largely faked. I believe there are excerpts of a few newscasts where people HAVE said something in an identical manner, such as disinformation, Trump, etc. is “dangerous for democracy.” (And I would have to agree with that statement, by the way)…But having several newscasters say the same thing doesn’t raise any flags by itself. Newscasters often parrot each other when reporting on big events: 9/11, the latest mass shooting, politics, pop trends, etc. This is because they’re all reacting to the same information and aren’t a terribly original bunch. Moreover, I WANT there to be general consensus in the news I’m seeing—that’s evidence to me that people are all looking at the same set of facts. In addition, many local stations also have the same corporate ownership (Gannett, Fox, etc.), so what you see as “collusion,” I see as corporate economies of scale. That is, a company writing one newscaster script and disseminating it to multiple stations under their media umbrella vs. paying multiple journalists to write slightly different versions of the same thing.

    As for the montage, with the multiple split-screen of many, many, many voices appearing to say the same thing…I bet money that that’s fake. It would actually be MUCH easier (and faster) to fake that clip than it would be to create the same thing by compiling authentic video clips. If these were real clips all saying the same thing, it would take hours upon hours to go through multiple original videos from across the country to pull out the relevant snippets that parrot each other.

    However, to fake it only requires recording about six voices and then layering those tracks over each other, offset by a millisecond or so, to make it sound like infinitely more voices than are actually speaking. So, what I’m saying is, they probably used real video snippets of newscasters talking, but the audio you’re hearing is not what those newscasters were actually saying. (And I bet if you pulled in a deaf person to read lips on each of the tiny frames, they’d confirm that.)

    This is so easy to do that I could replicate that part of the video myself if I wanted to waste the better part of a Saturday doing it (which I don’t). It’s pretty basic-level disinformation. As you know, I’ve been frustrated by the impact of disinformation on my family, so I’ve spent a lot of time researching and studying how it works.

    I know you don’t give me any credit because I’m your “little sister,” but I’ve been in marketing for 30+ years and disinformation is really just the dark side of marketing. I’ve also got a BA in Communications, an MBA, and multiple certifications in product marketing, digital marketing and cybersecurity. I’ve worked with AI-based products for the last seven years or so, and I’m a co-inventor on a patent for an augmented reality product.. What I’m saying is, I’ve got a pretty good handle on how all of this works and am not nearly as naive or gullible as you seem to think I am. Anyway, time is going to prove one of us right, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how it all shakes out.

  8. WJG

    Good points. And yes, it could be easily faked but that doesn’t mean it is. You really should change your tactic of advising everyone based on what YOU think (regardless of how many letters you affix to your name) and start referencing some actual facts.

    Even if so, that doesn’t change what I have seen, heard and read from multiple sources in the exact same timeframe. Usually, it is an often repeated phrase that is echoed throughout the week. “Existential Threat” used to be the money phrase attached to whatever issue they wanted to scare everyone about, but that lost its impact when Mumbles used “the #1 existential threat” for multiple issues in the very same speech. It’s getting worn out by now and is falling on deaf ears.

    I’m still trying to figure out what catch phrase they are going to come up with to spin the past few days disasters. All I see so far is more gaslighting that “everyone forgets a name occasionally”, Mumbles just showed “he is human”, while trying to convince folks that “he is one of the sharpest knives in the drawer” and he works late into the evening each and every day.
    Again, no one is buying that anymore with the latest poll (ABC News/Ipsos) reporting 86% agreeing he is no longer fit for office. His coming out and confirming that perception didn’t help matters any. Skipping the softball Super Bowl interview only re-confirmed it.

    But, it’s a fine line to walk between declaring yourself competent, when that would mean you should be liable for charges that you skated away from because you were deemed not competent.

    And rather than exploding this thread WAY off topic (again) on that last paragraph, I’ll duplicate some of this under a new category “Candidate Biden” and you can flame away there if you choose.

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