I am seeing more and more of these stories lately.

Human knowledge is under attack! Governments and powerful corporations are using censorship to wipe out humanity’s knowledge base about nutrition, herbs, self-reliance, natural immunity, food production, preparedness and much more. 

In this case, the gov’t encouraged farmers to spread waste sludge on their fields as a way to fertilize and also to dispose of the sludge. NOW, the same gov’t is shutting down farms if their testing determines they are contaminated (from that sludge) “to protect the people”.

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In another state (Oregon), they are shutting down small farms (like ours) on the basis of water rights. These farms have private wells but the gov’t is coming in installing meters on those wells and then make demands on the usage of that water. Of course those demands are selectively applied and are ignored for the large corporate farms producing “Big Food” (the highly processed, additive laden garbage sold in the stores to an unsuspecting public).

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Their reasoning is that small farms are wasteful and food is much more efficiently grown on larger (corporate) factory farms using chemicals to maximize yields.


The bottom line is that they don’t want folks raising their own HEALTHY food but should instead rely on THEM to provide our nourishment.

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Be it harmful chemical scares or climate change, they’ll use any tactic they can to shut down private farms and eliminate competition to the foods they want us to consume and are dependent on them to provide.

My favorite comment:
Why is it that people can see what is happening all around them, but refuse to get their heads out of their collective “phones” and do something about it?

In that first video above, you’ll hear that Minnesota is on the short list for implementing such controls. We saw this coming and is one of many reasons we decided to flee.

However, even down here, their tentacles are far reaching. My bible study group is primarily farmers and ranchers and they related how years back, the bureaucrats came in and tried to mandate that the farmers inventory and register every living creature present on their farm. Every cow, horse, pig, goat, sheep, chicken, goose or bunny rabbit needed to be documented, reported and tagged. Going forward, each birth/death had to be reported. With all of the news about eliminating beef (because of cow farts), you can understand their demand for more control.

Thankfully, they were told to pound sand and chased away empty handed. More than a few have advised to NOT let any of these self-proclaimed (yet unelected) saviors of agriculture onto your property for any reason.

But, I am sure they will be back – especially when they realize the financial gains that can be extracted to enrich themselves under their controls.


Another spot on comment:
Yes, their goal is to eliminate carbon – and that carbon is YOU!