Month: March 2024

Newest Addition(s)

We’re not sure what we have at the moment but our feral cats have been busy. It seems more than 1 have been impregnated by their “brothers” and one “Caz” was certainly showing so we were expecting some little ones. Sherry set up a maternity room (box) in our feed room in the barn.

We were surprised to see not “Caz” in there but instead learned that “Mister Fatty Pants” is actually a “Missy Fatty Pants” as she was lounging in there with 6 not so new kitties. She must have birthed them elsewhere as they suddenly appeared in the box and look to be at least a week old already.

Knowing Caz still had to pop, Sherry set up another box. MFP moved her family back into the barn under the steps and has since disappeared with all of them.

Caz finally started popping them out but I believe she is having great difficulty. A few were born dead and we think a critter might have gotten a few as well (maybe the lurking possum family). We need to remember, none of these ferals had a mama around for very long as she died while they were still quite young and Caz seems overwhelmed with it all – not knowing what to do.

Then, Sherry noticed this one all alone, freezing cold, near death and no mama in anywhere to be found so she took it inside and started caring for it. We named it “Yoda” and while only a few days old, she is already doing much better.

Considering the shape she was in when she found it, I am really surprised she survived but now a few days into it, she seems like she’s going to make it.

As for the others, we do not know. Maybe we’ll never see them again – and that would be OK with us. Either way, we’ll take whatever comes our way. We heard many folks in the area welcome new kittens (especially the Amish) so not too worried about being overrun… yet.

Gov’t Overreach!

I am seeing more and more of these stories lately.

Human knowledge is under attack! Governments and powerful corporations are using censorship to wipe out humanity’s knowledge base about nutrition, herbs, self-reliance, natural immunity, food production, preparedness and much more. 

In this case, the gov’t encouraged farmers to spread waste sludge on their fields as a way to fertilize and also to dispose of the sludge. NOW, the same gov’t is shutting down farms if their testing determines they are contaminated (from that sludge) “to protect the people”.

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In another state (Oregon), they are shutting down small farms (like ours) on the basis of water rights. These farms have private wells but the gov’t is coming in installing meters on those wells and then make demands on the usage of that water. Of course those demands are selectively applied and are ignored for the large corporate farms producing “Big Food” (the highly processed, additive laden garbage sold in the stores to an unsuspecting public).

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Their reasoning is that small farms are wasteful and food is much more efficiently grown on larger (corporate) factory farms using chemicals to maximize yields.

The bottom line is that they don’t want folks raising their own HEALTHY food but should instead rely on THEM to provide our nourishment.

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Be it harmful chemical scares or climate change, they’ll use any tactic they can to shut down private farms and eliminate competition to the foods they want us to consume and are dependent on them to provide.

My favorite comment:
Why is it that people can see what is happening all around them, but refuse to get their heads out of their collective “phones” and do something about it?

In that first video above, you’ll hear that Minnesota is on the short list for implementing such controls. We saw this coming and is one of many reasons we decided to flee.

However, even down here, their tentacles are far reaching. My bible study group is primarily farmers and ranchers and they related how years back, the bureaucrats came in and tried to mandate that the farmers inventory and register every living creature present on their farm. Every cow, horse, pig, goat, sheep, chicken, goose or bunny rabbit needed to be documented, reported and tagged. Going forward, each birth/death had to be reported. With all of the news about eliminating beef (because of cow farts), you can understand their demand for more control.

Thankfully, they were told to pound sand and chased away empty handed. More than a few have advised to NOT let any of these self-proclaimed (yet unelected) saviors of agriculture onto your property for any reason.

But, I am sure they will be back – especially when they realize the financial gains that can be extracted to enrich themselves under their controls.

Another spot on comment:
Yes, their goal is to eliminate carbon – and that carbon is YOU!

1st Amendment Attack

And here we have yet another conspiracy theory come to life.

What is never emphasized in this case is those that are pushing for controlling speech (on the basis of an emergency), are the very ones who got it completely wrong. They cancelled many truths and replaced with their own misinformation – at great damage to our society and country. That ALONE should be justification to end this case (in my view). Why is that never raised? Instead, we are arguing whether they can continue to do so with no regard to their track record.

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  • The censorship in Murthy suppressed speech that was not criminal or otherwise unlawful, and the injunction specifically excludes government action against unlawful speech.
  • The government set itself up as the nation’s arbiter of truth—as if it were competent to judge what is misinformation and what is true information. In retrospect, it turns out to have suppressed much that was true and promoted much that was false.
  • The government went after lawful speech not in an isolated instance, but repeatedly and systematically as a matter of policy, resulting in the suppression of entire narratives and lines of thought.
  • This isn’t jawboning. Rather than talk to newspapers about their own speech, the government asked the platforms to suppress third party speech. If the government were merely jawboning, it would have talked to the censored speakers, asking them to reconsider their posts. Instead, it requested the platforms to suppress the speech of others.
  • The government kept much of the censorship and its role secret, so Americans often did not even know they were censored or who did it. The covert nature of the government’s efforts bespeaks a recognition that the government was acting unlawfully.
  • The government often suppressed speech coercively.

FAQ via

Meatheads Bloodbath

Archie Bunker knew what he was talking about.

I’ve never been much of a fan of twitter (X). However, it seems that every visit is an endless stream of leftist gaslighting (even though I do not follow any of those posting these toxic fumes). The saving grace is every post is inundated with 99% of the replies calling them out on their misinformation.

MSM is no better.

So, for those of you that STILL get your opinions from The View, Kimmel or Colbert, here is the context they won’t tell you.

Apparently, it is using the term “bloodbath” that is setting them off.


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As I often respond, fewer and fewer are believing their BS anymore and every time they try something like this, they only manage to increase Trumps lead as those newly awakened souls emerge from their echo chambers alarmed at the level of gaslighting they have been subjected to. Hence, the record mistrust and rejection of the MSM. I always end my responses with a polite request to keep it up as it is doing wonders educating the public.

STILL Playing Possum

UPDATE 3/21 (#4)
UPDATE 3/14 (#3)
UPDATE 3/12 (#2)

I knew it would happen eventually. Actually, we’ve been pretty lucky so far with very few threats.

However, last night about 8 or so, the dogs did their job and quite vigorously announced that they had a critter cornered up against the barn and chicken coop. It ended up inside the enclosure in front of the barn, where the feral cats are free from being harassed by the dogs. The trouble is, this area is just a few steps away from accessing the barn with a flock of 12 young laying hens inside.

We brought the dogs inside and I opened the gate to the enclosure hoping to chase it off but it stayed in the corner snarling at me and wouldn’t budge. It was actually pretty big but then again, my only comparison was a smaller one that snuck into our house in Lakeville through the doggy-door while we were on vacation years ago. It took up residence in our main bathroom behind the toilet. That one I coaxed into a bin and release out back by the RR tracks. This one didn’t fare as well. With no other options, I ended up “dispatching” the varmint with a 22 rifle.

With no want or need for it, I posted on a local FB group and 2 or 3 said they were interested. It would make a neat Daniel Boone hat for somebody so it’s out at our gate awaiting pick up – 1st come, 1st served.

If it’s still there in the morning, I’ll toss it out back in the woods.

I am proud of Lyddie and Cooper for doing their jobs though! Such good guardians they are protecting their birds.

UPDATE: A couple of local trappers picked up the possum this afternoon and warned that it was wise to get rid of it. If it knew there were chickens around, it would keep at it until it killed the entire flock. That got me thinking about strange marks we’ve suddenly noticed next to the door to the “older girls” coop out in front. Granted, these are simple painted pine boards but I can see where these marks might be something trying to claw its way inside. I think we’ve eliminated the problem but still plan to rig up a motion light there just to be sure.

UPDATE 20240312: After 2 more evening encounters, I decided we might have a problem. The dogs do a really good job of patrolling the farm yard and thankfully, do not engage with the vermin. They simply corner them and bark. But, it’s happening enough that I worry there is a local possum family hanging around. I read that they breed like rabbits so I set out a trap.

This might be the only other one as this is about the same (smaller) size as the 2 most recent encounters but I’ll keep putting this out for a while just to be sure.

Now, to decide what to do with this guy. Most advise against releasing them during the day. Well, it’s 8am now…

After checking with the Amish (they didn’t want it), I asked Frankie (at the General Store), who picked up the dead one a few weeks ago. Since the gentleman stops in there frequently, Frankie told him I had another and the guy pulled into the driveway about an hour later. This time he brought a cage and said this one would be set free in the woods by his home as he wants to establish a family of them nearby (to him) since they are so scarce around here right now. He also mentioned he would take any others so I’ll reset the trap and see how many more there are lurking around here. At least now, I can save a bullet and wish it well in it’s new environment miles from here.

For control of ticks, snakes, moles, mice and other rodents, they are great to have around. Just not when we have chickens. The common line I hear is they will decimate your entire flock by eating ONLY the heads of every bird. Luckily, our birds are locked in at sundown but can’t take the chance of one sneaking inside the barn before lockdown.

UPDATE 20240314:
And here is number 3, caught in the trap overnight. This will also be turned over to the local trapper. However, it will live on as he is releasing them in HIS woods. With their scarcity, he is trying to establish a nearby colony so I’ll wish them (both) well. I’ll set up the trap again and see if there are any more.

UPDATE 20240321:
No pic as #4 is pretty much the same as 2 and 3. I was alerted that it was in the trap by the dogs as the trap is set up (out of sight) back under the lean to by our camper. As with the previous 2, I transferred it from the live trap to another cage and alerted Frankie to tell “Trapper Cliff” to stop by and pick it up (Cliff doesn’t have a phone). He usually shows up by noon but by around 2pm, there was no sign of him. Feeling bad for the little guy, I slid in a bowl of water and a tub of cat food. I also cover the cage with towels to keep it calm.

By 7pm, there was still no sign of Cliff and I wasn’t going to keep it in the cage indefinitely so loaded it into the truck to be released somewhere. I was conscious to NOT make it a problem for another farm but luckily, just north of us are thousands of acres of national forest. Our highway (K) terminates at the Current river so drove down to the end and released it there in the river bottoms. I would have preferred it joined its siblings in Cliffs woods but not interested in lodging possum long term. Plus, there’s probably more. Looking out the window now, there might be number 5 out there, the way the dogs are behaving. It’s getting harder to tell as the dogs are almost getting used to the routine by now.

Ain’t No Sunshine

Repeating this from Facebook. I really need to escape that cesspool.

Anxiously awaiting the return of my lovely bride this evening so cleaning up everything from the “me and the dogs” state of the past few weeks. I have WDGY on and this song came on and found myself singing along relating to it – at least the refrain.

That prompted me to look it up since although I have Bill Withers music, this particular song wasn’t typically requested at wedding gigs years ago.

Anyway, I never realized it was such a simple song. It has exactly 1 verse. It starts with the refrain, then the single verse (which doesn’t apply to my situation), another refrain, and then a (too) long string of “I know, I know, I know”s, and a final refrain to wrap it up.

(Chorus <> Refrain??? OK, so I don’t know my music terms – blame it on the nuns).

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Cool song though and proves simple can have longevity as well – getting airplay for over 50 years.

Goodbye Marlene

I have to admit, as far as mother-in-laws go, I got pretty lucky. I had to remind myself that we first met by me emerging from the woods to their house for some family event on a motorcycle, with my leg immobilized in a cast from a softball injury, useless and propped up on the highway peg. I can imagine the thoughts that crossed her mind wondering who Sherry had gotten herself mixed up with. Thankfully, she gave me a chance to prove myself and hoping I passed the test. I think I did.

Soon after Sherry and I married and we settled into our first home in “downtown” Lakeville, we decided to wallpaper our living room. Wouldn’t you know Marlene had some experience and offered to assist. Since Sherry was working evenings then, it was just me and Marlene so I was a bit apprehensive. Thankfully, my fears were unfounded and I was able to spend a few quality hours with her talking about everything under the sun, where we really had the opportunity to get to know each other well. I’ve only appreciated her more and more as we all progressed through the years – much of them with Sherry and Marlene operating the tailoring/monogramming shop in town.

They are all good memories so I’ll certainly miss her but will be forever grateful that she didn’t initially judge me from that first meeting and instead welcomed me into their family and laid the groundwork for a lasting bond that has survived over 40 years now!

Marlene passed early this morning. Thankfully, Sherry was able to return to MN over a week ago to be with her through the transition. I hate being away from all of the hugs but it’s the same as when my mom passed a few months ago. Someone needs to stay behind and care for the critters and now is my turn. But I anxiously await Sherry’s return home.

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