Category: Presidential Election

Meatheads Bloodbath

Archie Bunker knew what he was talking about.

I’ve never been much of a fan of twitter (X). However, it seems that every visit is an endless stream of leftist gaslighting (even though I do not follow any of those posting these toxic fumes). The saving grace is every post is inundated with 99% of the replies calling them out on their misinformation.

MSM is no better.

So, for those of you that STILL get your opinions from The View, Kimmel or Colbert, here is the context they won’t tell you.

Apparently, it is using the term “bloodbath” that is setting them off.


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As I often respond, fewer and fewer are believing their BS anymore and every time they try something like this, they only manage to increase Trumps lead as those newly awakened souls emerge from their echo chambers alarmed at the level of gaslighting they have been subjected to. Hence, the record mistrust and rejection of the MSM. I always end my responses with a polite request to keep it up as it is doing wonders educating the public.

THE RACE – None of the above

Sadly, we have 2 BAD choices:

  • A loudmouth, arrogant narcissist facing mutiple criminal charges who presided over a strong job market, no new foreign military adventures, tax cuts, energy independence, and foreign adversaries held at bay in puzzlement over his tough exterior and unpredictability
  • An even more unlikable, older senior who shuffles, mumbles and forgets, who ignited the invisible tax of historic inflation by wild spending, opened the border to an invasion of more than 9.2 million illegal aliens, killed energy independence, had no response to Russia aggression downing a U.S. drone in international air space and a Chinese espionage balloon traversing across the entire country. And whose family faces documented questions about suspicious money transfers of large sums to them from China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia etc.

If it were up to me, my choice would be the option that trounced Haley in Nevada – “none of the above”. But, to make such a non-choice would be extremely dangerous to our democracy. (Where have I heard that before?).

I’ve been schooled that the decision should be based on morality by one who supports backing a hair sniffing pedophile who frequently creeps out young girls, sexually assaulted his aid when he was in the senate, inappropriately showered with his young daughter, thoroughly messed up the minds and lives of his children and endorses the murder of countless innocent lives right up until they are born.

For my take (yes, I am allowed that here), I will go on record to state that (just as I did in 2019), that 77 is too old to be going into office and this time Trump has reached that milestone. He’s also beginning to show signs of deterioration so my hope is he picks a rock solid VP that can and will be effective when called upon because it may be sooner than we think (beyond the seditious games the left will immediately initiate before he even takes office).

In the meantime, I fully expect or better yet DEMAND that Trump immediately rectify the several years of blatant corruption we’ve been through. As much as he irritates me, he’s the only one who can assure that justice is done and all these crooks are held accountable for knocking this country completely off the rails. Although paying for their crimes should be part of the solution, exposing them for all to see is of utmost importance for there to be any healing.

They know it and the resulting PANIC is obvious. The trouble is, the more apparent it becomes, the more desperate THEY will become so expect anything to impose martial law along with a suspended election, or they’ll just take him out Epstein style. I think any of those scenarios will light the fuse to their demise in a way that this country may never recover from.

However, what’s likely going to interfere with their plans is Chinese aggression towards Taiwan. For the more it appears Trump will win, the more likely China will act before he takes office as Biden will be helpless and clueless to stop it. So, expect some movement there before November – likely this summer.

It’s more than the economy stupid!

Yes, the disastrous economy is showing minimal signs of improvement, albeit much too slowly to be reflected in our wallets. But, the precipitous fall to this point opened up many eyes to many other disastrous policies that are now greatly impacting our lives.

This sums it up those feelings rather well.

“Biden, who never was much of a political salesman even in his prime, has shown he’s utterly incapable of driving home his administration’s message. Over three-quarters of Americans (76 percent) now have major or moderate concerns that Biden doesn’t have the mental and physical health for a second term, according to the NBC poll“.         

Bad weekend for Brandon.

I’m still trying to figure out what catch phrase they are going to come up with to spin the past few days disasters. All I see so far is more gaslighting that “everyone forgets a name occasionally”, Mumbles just showed “he is human”, while trying to convince folks that “he is one of the sharpest knives in the drawer” and he works late into the evening each and every day.
Again, no one is buying that anymore with the latest poll (ABC News/Ipsos) reporting 86% agreeing he is no longer fit for office. His coming out and confirming that perception didn’t help matters any. Skipping the softball Super Bowl interview only re-confirmed it.

But, it’s a fine line to walk between declaring yourself competent, when that would mean you should be liable for charges that you skated away from because you were deemed not competent.

I guess the positive aspect of this is that he finally fulfilled a campaign promise and unified the nation. 86% is about as unified as it can get.

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