Shall NOT be Infringed

This has been in draft form for months and it seems like a good time to roll it out, with Biden’s latest speech (if you could understand it). This post still needs more work but I’ll float it out now.

3 years ago, we never owned any guns. Even then, I’d never advocate that no one else should have them as well. Guns/hunting was just never in my background growing up. The few times I’d “hunted” (if you can call it that) were with HS buddies long ago, where we never had the opportunity to fire our shotguns at anything. Also, with young kids around, I didn’t care to take the chance on any accidents occurring, nor was there much need residing in a very low crime area.

That all changed when we plunged over the edge of the “progressive” cliff and bans began to surface. Luckily, Mumbles McGoo sent us periodic COVID Relief checks at that time that we used 100% to finance our firearm purchases.

As for the lies that Mumbles is allowed to continuously repeat (because he is never held to account on anything), along with the insanity of others striving for “common sense” gun control, I’ll let this well versed gentleman provide some clarification on all those points that are raised or proposed.

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For those who refuse to consider any information that may contradict their positions, I’ll lay it out below as well.

  • Common Sense measures – means what exactly? You see if refenced often yet never is explained. Maybe a dear reader will comment on what they deem to be “common sense” gun control measures. I am hoping such comments ALSO explain how adding more controls to the already failing existing measures will somehow fix the problem.
  • These next 3 are all related…
    Universal Background checks – in order to be “universal”, there will need to be a list of who needs to be checked. (See next point).
  • National Registry – NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! What could possibly happen when the government has a list of who is armed?
  • Confiscation – Although most claim they are NOT proposing confiscation, reality tells us otherwise. So just ask any society what happens when only the government has the guns. The people of Wounded Knee, SD would be able to tell you, except most were massacred by the government.
  • Cannons – Yes Joe, cannons were allowed. Many privateers routinely outfitted their ships with cannons, among many examples. Restrictions on the kind of weapons you could possess is a recent walk back of 2A rights.
  • Need an F-16 – besides the threatening nature of this claim to have the government turn on it’s own people (reinforcing the need for 2A rights), the people of every conflict since Korea will advise on how to defeat such a great army as ours.
  • State/National Guards – Often forgotten in the threats of using the “Guards” on our own people is that they are made up of your friends and neighbors. I am pretty certain those citizen soldiers will think very hard before fulfilling the demands of a corrupt regime on their own people.
  • Mass shooting statistics – They’ve managed to winnow down the definition of a mass shooting so all of the rampant gang violence and drive by shootings (a situation the woke establishment is responsible for by the way) swells the numbers of mass shootings. Then they use that stat as a justification to go after lawful citizens guns, while “turnstyling” the actual perpetrators of violence back out on the streets for more mayhem.
  • Assault Rifles – Of the 19196 murders in the US in 2022, 541 were committed using any type of rifle which comprises a whopping .028%. The scary black “assault rifle” would be a subset of that number while the majority are committed with handguns.

PolitiFact reinforces those stats but can’t resist their political biases by implying that many of the unknowns (type not stated), could be assault weapons and goes on to include the very few (but widely publicized) incidents where such weapons were used.

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  1. Mary Beth Mohn

    So to summarize: “I never felt a need to own guns until Trump came into office.” Well, that certainly tracks…

    Also, I hope you inform Cassi and Ben of your household gun status when you offer to take Remy. That’s the responsible thing to do.

    • WJG

      They are well aware. Even us “unintelligent and uneducated” rubes can master safe gun storage. Case in point, we just had Ben Rasmussen and kids here for a few days. They left this morning for Bailees wedding in MN. While here, all firearms were safely locked in the safe – except for when Ben and Dominic wanted to go shooting at our range behind the shop. I was surprised that Dom knew more about gun safety than I did. Now that they are gone, the loaded 22 returns to it’s easily accessed location by the back door.

      And what certainly “tracks” is your predictable ignoring of ALL points raised and instead inject your rampant TDS into any argument – without any basis whatsoever. BTW, our very first purchase was in Jan of 2021. Who was just “elected” (ahem) into office then?

      Find that hanky – more egg! Besides, shouldn’t you be busy verifying the points from mumbles speech. I took care of the cannon point for you.

      – magazines that could carry 200 shells.
      – spoke about teaching jobs he never had.
      trotted out the lie (again) that no one could own a cannon.
      – you’ll need an F-15 blah, blah, blah… further threatening the people alarmed by his tyranny.
      – he also said that guns kill more children than car accidents or cancer.
      – the gun industry is the only sector protected by a legal shield.

  2. Mary Beth Mohn

    Yes, I noted that your first purchase may have coincided with Biden’s inauguration (or when your guy f’d up his coup attempt), however nobody becomes radicalized overnight. Biden’s politics around guns are no different than Obama’s and you managed to live through his presidency without feeling the need to be packin’…But after four years of listening to Trump’s Gospel of Fear, you apparently felt the need for firearms to protect your… what exactly? Chickens? Swimming pool?

    There is no egg on my face, bro, only frustration and sadness that my sibling has been so thoroughly duped by a con man preying on his insecurities and fears.

    • WJG

      So far, racoons, fox and possum but also coyote, wild pig and the infamous “MoMo” (the Ozarks version of Bigfoot). BTW, do you fear swimming pools that much? How odd.

      So besides the well documented inability to comprehend, it seems we can add lack of any “nuance” to your qualities.

      You are STILL avoiding backing up ANY of your claims and your nonstop projection will likely get you banned (again) if this continues. Your next post will determine your fate.

  3. Mary Beth Mohn

    I didn’t ask what you shot. I asked what you needed firearms to PROTECT… apparently you’re the one with comprehension issues. Don’t worry about any future posts from me. I will continue to pray for you, but am no longer going to try and reason with you… and I’m also going to limit my exposure to your rantings for my own sanity. Be well.

    • WJG

      Sorry for being busy. It’s that time of year with much to do so I flitter in when I can.

      Obviously CHICKENS. And I should clarify that only the possum was actually shot. The others were simply warned away. But also, recognizing that although the crime rate is extremely low, the meth/fentanyl problem is like much of rural America and the very first property we viewed down here was where the owner was murdered (in the house) by an addict.

      And with the border flung wide open, and my intention to continue driving at the time, I didn’t want to leave things vulnerable to such an incident, as rare as that would be. Just simply better to be safe than to be sorry.

      Besides being obvious you never watched the video where these points are ALL covered, I see your solution to ever having to provide any proof for anything is to cast me off in Facebook. THANK YOU! It’s just puzzling that you frequently demand that I back up what I claim (which I do) but repeated requests for you to do the same go unanswered.

      So be it. When you get around to threatening to leave the country, I’ll be recommending it since your apology tour would take years.

      Best of luck.

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