Response to MB on “Guilty”

Except no one knows (even now) what that additional crime was. Care to name it? How can anyone defend against a crime that hasn’t been disclosed?

No, arrogance is someone:

  • who proclaimed we should believe all women – unless they are named Tara Reid or Ashley Biden.
  • someone who said everyone should be vaccinated to stop the spread of COVID and should be excluded from society if they are not.
  • someone who claimed the Hunter laptop story was faked and bought into the 51 intelligence officials letter that it was Russian disinformation.
  • someone who claims the meetings, conversations and transactions disclosed on the laptop (EVIDENCE) didn’t prove Biden did anything illegal.

I could go on but it is obvious you are unable to absorb anything that counters what you have been told by the unconvicted felon.

I know the above sounds like “I told you so” but you must have a titanium blast cover on your echo chamber to continually be wrong about so much and yet feel emboldened to ridicule others who got it right.

Here are just a few avenues for appeal that are probably “news” to you:

  • A handpicked highly partisan “judge” orchestrated for a sure conviction.
  • Nullified change of venue request to keep trial in highly partisan Manhattan where no “jury of YOUR peers” was remotely possible.
  • Jurors NOT sequestered in likely the highest politically charged case heard in a long while.
  • Charged for a minor misdemeanor (where the statute of limitations had long since expired) that was elevated to a felony by being tied to another crime that was never disclosed.
  • All 34 counts for legitimate and legal financial transactions and entries. Only being judged here due to the coupling with the “other” undisclosed crimes that couldn’t be contested by the defense because they were never revealed.
  • Lack of any corroborating witnesses. Prosecution witnesses that did testify soundly refuted the testimony of the primary witness, a known serial liar and convicted felon who even admitted to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the defendant.
  • Defense witnesses censored, harassed, repeatedly threatened with contempt.
  • Former chairman of the Federal Election Commission refused to be allowed to testify. Dismissed as being irrelevant to the case when the subject at question was election law.
  • Yet, a porn star (who owes Trump over half a million dollars) was allowed to articulate her juicy details to the court that had no bearing whatsoever on the financial transactions being questioned.
  • New evidence allowed to be introduced by the prosecution during closing arguments with no recourse for the defense to address or cross examine.
  • Fraudulent jury instructions providing the ability to convict on any additional charge whatsoever. They didn’t have to unanimously agree on what transpired or which laws were allegedly violated.

There are so many issues above that can result in this being thrown out. I just wonder which they will base it on. I also doubt it even needs to reach SCOTUS before it is reversed. Any of the appeals courts below that level could and should end this. All because his name is Donald Trump and he dares to question the idiocy in DC.

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The only positive for the unconvicted felon is that he now has the excuse to slink out of the debates – even though he never had any intention of entertaining us by following through anyway. However, I look forward to Trump and Kennedy following through with an empty suit propped on a vacant chair. Actually, that likely gives the unconvicted felon a better chance than if he would participate.

The negatives are already piling up. Besides, refilling Trumps election coffers with 55 million dollars in 2 days, the first of many polls dropped showing the expected INCREASE in those now voting for Trump. Like Trump articulated, this is no longer about him and many holding their noses and switching their votes recognize what transpired and recognize the real “threat to democracy” in action. Like myself, they can still not care for the person, but realize this was clearly a witch hunt (as Zakaria points out) and are greatly alarmed it was allowed to happen. There WILL be more polls released in the coming days to reinforce that, since it has been the trend throughout this lawfare process.

I just hope all remember this come early next year when the roles are reversed now that the bar has been dropped to the floor. As a commenter recently correctly exclaimed, “clearly, the loser of this election is going to jail”. That’s our new banana republic folks!

So, they’ll continue to play their games by scheduling the next steps to conflict with the campaign as much as possible. You know – interfering in the election to “save democracy“. And when they see THAT is not working as the next polls spike even higher for Trump, they’ll release another virus or orchestrate some other event to suspend constitutional rights so the unconvicted felon is the only choice – just like in Russia!

So, if folks still prefer the unconvicted felon, a Biden victory will mean more wars, crashing the economy and continued encouragement for the godless, depraved Left to drag America into an immoral cesspool while tightening their control over every aspect of our lives.


  1. Mary Beth Mohn

    I’m not going to try to refute this one–not because you “got me” with your appeal BS, but because it’s all so batsh*t crazy, I wouldn’t know where to begin.

    Everything is working as it should (albeit slowly) in regards to justice for Trump’s INNUMERABLE crimes (as both a businessman and politician). He was fortunate to have gotten away with so much throughout his life and is now melting down in real-time as he realizes that he is actually going to be held accountable for once. If anything, he’s been getting preferential treatment, because no other defendant would be able to shoot his mouth off the way Trump has and not be thrown in jail.

    If there are ANY legit cases against Biden, I invite the GOP to bring ’em on. I welcome scrutiny on both sides. But they’ve attempted that numerous times, and have presented NOTHING that has held up in court. It’s all smoke and mirrors and promises of violence to feed the delusional masses (which are rapidly dwindling, as is evidenced by his rally attendance and protesters outside the courtroom). It’s an angry, vindictive faction within the party that is absolutely fighting for its life because so many of them are complicit related to J6, and they see Trump’s re-election as their only means to avoid prison time themselves.

    The Dow was up 600 points after the conviction announcement. So much for the tanking economy.

  2. WJG

    I guess we’ll see then, won’t we.

    I have yet to see any enthusiasm at or for a Biden rally and see nothing but at Trumps. The latest charade in Philly was quickly exposed. Instead of the raucous packed house we were gaslighted with, we saw a few hundred (likely paid) “fans” packed into a corner of a half empty gym. Removing the press would reduce it to 3/4 empty.

    Funny, you mention Trumps INNUMERABLE crimes, but yet can’t reference any because they’ve all flamed out to date. Then, in the next paragraph you mention the unconvicted felon has nothing that has held up in court. What court would that be? That’s what people are upset about. No matter what he does, he’s never charged, while Trump is regularly charged for doing the exact same thing.

    We could tit for tat all day long but what’s the point? You refuse to acknowledge the egg dripping off your nose and instead choose to continue to be gaslit for eternity.

    Why don’t you go impose your infinite wisdom somewhere else? I’ve got more important matters to deal with.

  3. Mary Beth Mohn

    Yes. We will see. Regarding rallies… It’s so weird to me the way MAGA-types refer to a lack of “enthusiasm” (in terms of rally attendance, wearing Biden-branded clothing, flying certain flags, etc.) as being indicative of someones support or ability to win an election. Ask yourself this: Before Trump, how many people that you know EVER attended a political rally, wore a candidate’s hat, or flew anything other than an American flag in show of support for a candidate–of either party?

    The fact is, normal Americans historically don’t do that. That’s because we recognize that our elected officials are human beings and not gods or kings. The very fact that there is such slavish devotion to Trump’s brand just further reinforces the fact that MAGAism is a cult. His followers know that their numbers are dwindling, so they want to be able to identify who is still on “their side,” while others have quietly retired their hats and are just hoping their friends and family will forget they were ever stupid enough to be duped by the big con.

    I don’t have so much as a Biden bumper sticker (mainly because I don’t want some MAGA idiot keying my car), but normal (non-cult) supporters like myself are the reason Biden legitimately won 81 million votes. Fortunately, there are still more normal, rational people in this country than those supporting Trump.

    • WJG

      Sorry. It was a long day getting after things once the rain finally quit but turned out beautiful. And, whaddaya know, we agree on something. Congrats!

      Rally’s are definitely overblown and you’ll never catch me attending. However, since you continue to ignore the polls (or better yet, the trending that polling reveals), it’s all we have to go on right now.

      Which leads to another point. You seem to suggest that anyone who is considering voting for the evil orange man has a Trump poster hanging above their bed and bows down to pay homage to the anointed one every day. I hate to break it to you but many think he is a douchebag, but is a more palatable douchebag than what we have now. At least he can form a complete sentence (despite what the elderly abusing doctor Jill proclaims) and had us in an infinitely better place (on many fronts) than we are now. Many fleeing democrats are stating the same thing if you’d care to listen. Now, whole demographics are switching sides. The Hispanic vote now FAVORS Trump. Black males (and many females) have expressed frustration with always pandering to them for the vote but never following through on any of it and NOW recognize that the onslaught of illegals are taking resources away that were promised to them. It’s not a favorable situation and the “black” vote switching to Trump is unprecedented for any Republican candidate.

      You can choose to continue to ignore it but that’s what I see happening.

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