Perfect Metaphor

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Only the forever gullible among you will be started by these statements:

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.”
former President B. Obama

“I think he [Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
Robert Gates, former defense secretary in the Obama administration


  1. Mary Beth Mohn

    Rather than repeating sound bites from 2014 (a lot has happened in the world in the last 10 years!), you and your readers might be interested in a recent interview that updates his thoughts on Biden’s foreign policy… as well as shares his thoughts on Trump: “His disdain for allies, fondness for authoritarian leaders, erratic behavior undermined his credibility.”

    • WJG

      Gates is a pretty straight forward guy. I agree with many of his points raised but not necessarily his conclusions. He also gets kudos for being a former spook and NOT being one of the 51 officials signing the Russian misinformation statement on the laptop to throw the last election. The “disdain for allies” translates to statements made to other countries to pay their fair share for the actions we are asked to do. Also, his admonitions to Europe about buying Russian gas. Germany especially learned that lesson the hard way.

      As for “authoritarian leaders”, I think a better description would be for strong and decisive leaders. Those that take the reigns, make decisions and follow though. You might call that undemocratic but I’ll take that any day over the mob rule we see today where nothing positive gets done. And there is nothing democratic about a nation where the officials and the intelligence community think they should have the right to select the politicians, not just in other countries but in the US as well.

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