Guilty? No surprise there.

I have yet to find a legal scholar or expert in any camp that thinks this trial was on the up and up. Most all are troubled by the blatant bending of the rules to arrive where we are today. Even MSM agrees and folks see right through it.

No matter. This will most certainly be thrown out on appeal. The only issue is which blatant offense they base their judgement on. They have their pick of several. What’s not a surprise (except to the cronies applying this “justice”) is this will surely put Trump over the top in the upcoming contest.

As with every other charge or accusation, misrepresented out of context quote or full blown lie declared, it has only made Trump stronger.

I can’t wait for the next polling data.


  1. Mary Beth Mohn

    Wow, Bill. “I have yet to find a legal scholar or expert in any camp that thinks this trial was on the up and up”? Given the extensive coverage of this trial by numerous legal scholars and experts nearly unanimously agreeing that the process worked exactly how it was intended, this statement just shows you’re living in a very narrow echo chamber of delusional people. Not to mention the fact that Trump wouldn’t even take the stand because he knew he would fall apart under any type of questioning (if he could stay awake long enough to testify, that is).

    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…It’s a felonious duck.

    • WJG

      You mean the felonious duck charged for a felony on an expired misdemeanor?

  2. Mary Beth Mohn

    In New York, falsifying business records is a misdemeanor unless the records are faked to conceal another crime. The prosecution proved to a jury of his peers (including one guy who only gets his “news” from Truth Social) that that was what happened–he covered up the story to influence the election. He’s a disgusting excuse for a human being… so why are you so compelled to defend him? Why do you think you know more about the case than the legal teams involved and the jury that heard all the evidence and convicted him? Your arrogance (and ignorance) here is rather extraordinary.

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