Sadly, we recently lost Ruthie unexpectedly. It was in the morning after being let out of the coop to the run. Soon after she was down on the ground but remained upright moving her head and the 2 roos kept “hitting on her”. I’d nudge them off but then we noticed something wasn’t right with Ruthie and she wasn’t trying to flee their advances as the hens usually do. Sherry picked her up and she was visibly in distress by this time and vomiting. She died within minutes. We are suspecting a heart attack but have no way to know for sure. We’ve kept close watch on the others and the rest all seem fine.

Luckily, she was able to have a Viking funeral. Maybe not a real boat but I had a huge brush pile built up with all of the tree work I had been doing and planned to burn it off now that everything has greened up. I added some good sized logs to arrange around her (in the shape of a boat) and set it off. It burned hot and heavy for a good hour and by the time it was all done in the evening, it was simply a small pile of ashes out in our field. I know I should have “processed” her but just didn’t have the bandwidth at the time. She would have been a tasty treat for the dogs and cats (or me) though.

It’s too bad. She was certainly our prettiest hen and a consistent egg producer.

Good bye Ruthie. Thank you for your service.