Month: June 2024 (Page 1 of 2)

Climate Litigation.

Things aren’t going well for the global warming crusaders. Despite hundreds of billions of tax dollars spent on green energy over the past decade, very little impact has been felt, other than increased costs.

The electric vehicle movement has stalled, solar and wind power remain fringe forms of energy, and green candidates got crushed in recent elections in Europe because voters are sick of the higher prices associated with the green policies that do absolutely nothing but grant government more control over our lives.

So having struck out with consumers, businesses and at the ballot box, now the greens are moving on to the courts. The climate change industrial complex has now joined forces with trial lawyers to advance their war on fossil fuels.

Although, science has been telling us the earth has been warming for the past 400,000 years, the green zealots insist that warming is the result of us humans dependency on fossil fuels.

As the graphic shows, that warming started long before we arrived. It is also widely accepted that the current warming of the past few hundred years reflects coming out of the regional cooling period (the Little Ice Age) that existed from about 1300-1850.

To put this point into better perspective, imagine if the earths age (4 billion years) was boiled down to a single 24 hour day. Then, let’s see where humankind fits into that day.

I saw this quoted before but unable to locate it now so we’ll do the math here.
Age of earth: 4,000,000,000 / 24 = 166,666,666 hours.

Now, we divide up those hours into minutes.
166,666,666 / 60 = 2,777,777 minutes.

Our primate ancestors might have been around then but there were no homo sapien civilizations yet so let’s continue.
2,777,777 / 60 = 46,296 seconds.

And we can finally see where our species fits in. According to these numbers, our species of humans have been around for about 7-8 seconds of that single day (if you accept we have been walking this earth for 400,000 years). Although, these were primitive cave dwellers whos only contribution to the climate was possibly their quest for fire.

Going even further, civilized humankind (the past 5000 years or so) have only been experiencing earths changing climate for about 1/8 of a second – much less than a single heartbeat.

Taken to the extreme, the past 100 years which the zealots now love to blame for everything from earthquakes to solar eclipses equates to .0021 of a second or a measure where you’d need 400 of them to equate to a single heartbeat.

So, by all means, let’s implement policies that further erode our freedoms and drain us of all of our livelihoods, based on a micro-blip of our history on this planet.

It takes a special kind of arrogance to pull that off.

Weather or NOT

I realize many are dealing with monsoon rains and major flooding these days. I just saw the video of the white home toppling into the river at the Rapidan dam in southern MN. That is tragic and my heart bleeds for that family’s loss. It very much reminds me of 1991, when a similar scenario hit the upper Midwest – only to see Missouri succumb to the same flooding later on as both the Mississippi and Missouri river watersheds channel that water downstream.

However, down where we are in the southern part of the state, it’s been stinking hot and we haven’t seen rain in 3 weeks now. It’s supposed to happen overnight tonight and into tomorrow. But the closest we’ve come is a storm that formed overhead, but then moved east and is now “severe” in the bootheel/Memphis area. I am still praying we get something tomorrow though to green things back up.

As for the heat, we are dealing as best we can. Today topped out at 108 (feels like) degrees. 90 degrees is our threshold for running the AC and it’s been on for about 5 days now. I hate AC and having a sealed up house but would rather have it than not. Unfortunately, many of our neighbors (Amish and off grid homesteaders) have no such refuge and are suffering right now.

We also take care to make the critters as comfortable as possible. Jack enjoys the AC (and his personal fan) indoors. The younger dogs are out all day but have plenty of shade on the porch and also enjoy the fans we have set up at the doors to keep the flies away. Lydia acts like a fashion diva laying directly in front of one of them with her hair flying in the breeze. They get plenty of water and today we set up a small wading pool that they jump in to cool down. We also bring them to the river up the road where they get to swim in the cool water.

Incidentally, our pool is now getting much too warm for my liking but has been a godsend that gets used around 4pm each day. I am hoping for some rain to cool it off.

The chickens are uncomfortable but hanging in there. Today, we only had 4 eggs – a record low for the 15 hens. I’ve made canopies for each of the 3 runs and they get plenty of water – both in their waterers and via a sprinkler that they all enjoy. They also have fans in each of the 3 coops.

As of now, the major storm activity is up in the Omaha area but seems to be slowly sliding east and south so we appear to be still lined up for some action later this morning. Let’s hope so.

I wrote most of this post at 1am, when the weather alarm blared for a Severe Thunderstorm Watch. Now at 7:45am, the front of the storm has finally reached us and everything has dropped below the severe level so looking forward to a good ol’ fashioned soaking. No wind. No hail. Just RAIN. Bring it on!!!

Debate Flustercluck

All I can say is, this will be interesting.

Now, we are hearing that CNN (hosting the debate), is reaching out and warning the dozens of commentary sites that they will be shut down if they attempt to live comment and/or fact check on the debate. The platforms (YouTube and others) have been pre-warned to make sure only their narrative is what is broadcast and anything that is counter to that narrative is stifled.

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Aren’t you all getting tired of being fed their BS? This will enable Mumbles to repeat his lies about owning a cannon (FALSE), Trump calling Nazi’s fine people (FALSE) and any of the other dozens of lies he repeats over and over again because he is never questioned about any of it.

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Do we want ANOTHER election with vital information about the candidates being hidden from our eyes again? That worked out so well last time.

Circle of Life Continues

I realize we need to get used to the comings and goings of the critters but it’s always hard when a loved and trusted pet departs. With that, we gave Lola a proper send off on Friday evening.

Wouldn’t you know, the very next morning we just got done with the morning feeding and discovered 7 (count them 7) new kitties born overnight in the feral cat lair. The other 2 feral cats are ALSO pregnant so we’ll soon be overrun with them.

All appear to be healthy and have the preferred darker coloring – meaning no Donald clones. “Donald” is the brother of the 3 hyper-fertile mommas that populate our barn cat enclosure and is the one continually impregnating them. Thankfully, we haven’t seen him in weeks and he will be chased off if he shows up again.

Did you know a majority of orange cats turn out to be male? Something like 85% turn out to be male. Now that “Donna” (one of an earlier litter) has grown a bit we checked and sure enough has now been renamed to Don Jr.

These (and the upcoming litters will all be looking for new homes when they are ready. Actually, they are pretty easy to get rid of as others are always looking for barn cats. All it takes is a trip to the Walmart parking lot, or in our case the Dollar General in Summersville and they are claimed within 20 minutes.

Hola Lola

Yes, “Hola” technically means hello but I am altering the meaning to say goodbye to Lola, our loving furry companion for the past 15+ years. He, (yes HE) has been with us since a bitty kitty and spent his first dozen years as an indoor cat in Lakeville. We’d let him out on the deck for some outdoor adventure, where he’d manage to snag an occasional songbird and usually always figured out a way to escape.

His life in captivity was altered drastically when we moved to the farm and he spent the past few years exclusively as an outdoor cat – hunting and exploring whenever he cared to. However, he spent a majority of the time curled up on the front porch napping with his buddy (and nephew) Luther.

His passion was raiding my garage and seeking where I had hidden my work gloves. He would drag them out and distribute them around the yard and driveway. It was a little game for us.

Prior to that, he was notorious for finding little bags of stuff and scatter them around as well. Everything from sewing bobbins, pins and metal sewing machine parts in Sherry’s sewing and monogramming shop to my nuts and bolts in the garage. If they were in a baggie, they were fair game.

He never tore anything up or damaged them in any way. It was simply a game of hide and seek for this prankster.

And, I will add that since he moved outdoors, we definitely do NOT miss the gobs of fluffy white fur all over the house – choking the fans and air filters.

Sadly, Lola passed unexpectedly on 6/20/2024.

When Sherry got home from the goat farm that afternoon, we jumped in the pool to cool off. While soaking, we were discussing Jackson’s last days as he gets feebler and feebler as his rear legs are beginning to fail him. As an 18+ YO Border Collie, his longevity is already somewhat astounding.

Wouldn’t you know a half hour later, as we were feeding everybody, we noticed Lola was in distress. He is nearly as old as Jack and had his tongue hanging way out and appeared to be struggling to breathe. We felt so helpless. He’d still move around trying to get comfortable so Sherry grabbed a box for him to curl up in. Once he was placed in the box, he moved around a bit but ended up laying down on his side but his head was against the side staring up at us with his eyes wide open. I’m not sure if his eyes were seeing anything at that point but he was as loved as he could be. He was in there maybe 3 minutes and let out 2 (almost) “chirps” and he was gone. Thankfully, he passed quickly. Afterward, we repositioned him in a natural way and closed his eyes.

Lola is the first loved pet to be buried in our pet cemetery. The other burial there was the feral momma cat that left us with her hyper-breeding offspring barn cats. So for Lola, she got a burial with full canine honors.

R.I.P. Lola.

Democracy for which it stands…

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Not much more needs to be said. They will continue to wail about their perceived “threat to democracy” – just like they did in 2016, without any factual basis or proof and their lapdogs (learning nothing) will obediently eat it up again.

For those still confused, Mr. Lee’s reply below sums it up well.

I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands
one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

I intentionally omitted the “under God” (added in 1954), simply to avoid triggering the godless who have dragged us all to this present bottom of the drain existence.

Not All Trump Supporters…

After several rounds of fruitless “discussion”, there is one recurring topic that needs clarification.

In most conversations about Trump, I have described him as an “arrogant blowhard who doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut – and won’t be invited over to the farm anytime soon”. However, I recognize that his policies while in office were vastly better and had this country in a much better place and standing on the world stage. Especially now, with his opponent incoherently wandering around in his chemically induced haze embarrassing us on a daily basis, while HIS policies have us involved in multiple wars, swamped in massive debt, energy dependent with depleted reserves (to buy votes), a wide open border and out of control crime.

However, it doesn’t matter. ANY affirmation of Trump policy or questioning of a Biden action results in the “Ultra-MEGA Extremist” label, complete with assumptions that we only get our info from Fox News, spend all day seeking every word/speech/statement he utters, while we are slamming our coal fired 4x4s through protected wetlands on our way to militia training to learn more guerilla tactics on how to bring down an F15 with our fully automatic scary black rifles w/100 round magazines. After training, we return to our bunkers where we declare our devotions to him beneath our Trump poster hanging over beds.

The truth? I have no Trump bumper sticker. We have no Trump signs displayed anywhere. I don’t listen to any of his speeches or statements. We have never attended his rallies and have no intention of doing so.

I don’t watch Fox News but do enjoy Gutfield or The Five clips on YouTube occasionally. This is especially relevant now that they are claiming everything you see with your own eyes is a deep fake manipulation.

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There is no propaganda machine leading us astray, echoing his insecurities as we blindly fall for his “Gospel of Fear“. Many of us have simply been


to the events of the past several years, we remember what was said and reported then, and we gauge that against what is being reported now.

The only time I even pay attention to anything he says is when he is misquoted (like the “bloodbath” comment that was widely circulated but instantly debunked). In those cases, I seek proper context to learn the truth but in actuality, he is as hard to listen to as Kennedy. At least Kennedy can blame his irritating (Katherine Hepburn) voice on past throat issues whereas Trump is just generally irritating.

Like I said, none of that matters if you refuse to swallow their Kool Aid.

To put into context, I asked this question to a regular detractor (since banned here for refusing to back up any of her claims in violation of the site rules):

So, if anyone who disagrees with you is an Ultra MEGA Extremist, can we then assume that ALL of you support terrorists and are for the extermination of all of the Jews?

Sadly, it’s no surprise she didn’t understand the connection and it flew over her head – like every major story for the past 8 years.

Another Prediction Come True

When they have nothing left to stand on, they roll out the DISinformation angle and start advocating with Big Tech and the media for censorship (remember how THAT played out?).

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When they realize no one is buying that, as the full context of his disastrous G7 appearances are widely shared by the world press with quoted remarks by the other world leaders alarmed at his decline, they’ll progress on to the “Deep Fake” arguments, where everything you think you see is manufactured and you can only trust what they tell you you saw.

The most amazing part of that is how incredibly gullible do you have to be to continue to buy into their BS? But yet, I know some who still faithfully swallow every command and continue to ridicule others who can see right through it.

Meanwhile, they flood the masses with this and the obedient lapdogs eat it up.

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Uh oh. That’s gonna sting.

OK. So who said this was going to happen (ever increasing lead with each batch of partisan lawfare and unfounded accusations) and who said his support was dwindling?

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You’ll still see those aghast that anyone would vote for a “convicted felon“.
This WSJ article sums it up nicely:

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